Tag: cheap kids football kits sale

cheap kids football kits sale The North Carolina Courage fired head coach

cheap kids football kits sale The North Carolina Courage fired head coach Paula Riley amid allegations of sexual harassment.

Riley took over WakeMed Soccer Park in 2017, having previously gained 11 years of experience coaching women’s soccer in the United States.

But now, several of the 58-year-old’s former players have stepped forward and accused him of sexual harassment, and the NC Courage immediately responded by terminating his contract.

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The allegations against Riley
Sinead Farrelly and Meleana Shim claimed in a report published by The Athletic on Thursday that Riley treated them inappropriately.

Farrelly played under the Englishman at the Philadelphia Independence and New York Fury before working with him at The Portland Thorns in 2014-15. – when Shim was also in the club.

The couple say Riley lured them into sexual relations by using his role as head coach to create a “social culture” off the court that included regular team nights.

During her time under Riley, Farrelly said she “felt under his control,” while Shim says her time under the coach “felt like I owed it to him from the beginning.”

Both claim Riley forced them to kiss in exchange for not having to do conditioning, while Farrelly says she was repeatedly forced to have sex with Riley.

Meanwhile, Riley told The Athletic that the allegations were “absolutely false,” adding: “I Cheap Hazard Football Shirt Kids never had sexual relations with these players or sexually solicited them.” He continued to meet with players and occasionally collect bar cards during team outings, “but I don’t take them out for drinks.”

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cheap kids football kits sale Če se bo Tottenham uvrstil v izločilne

cheap kids football kits sale Če se bo Tottenham uvrstil v izločilne kroge letošnje lige prvakov, bo moral to narediti na težji način. Ekipa Mauricia Pochettina ni bila izžrebana le proti aktualnemu evropskemu prvaku Real Madridu, mora odigrati tudi dve tekmi proti Borussia Dortmund. Poleg Madrida in Dortmunda se bodo Spurs pomerili tudi s ciprskim prvakom APOEL-om.

Tottenhamovo nalogo še dodatno otežuje dejstvo, da morajo v tej sezoni svoje ‘domače’ tekme igrati na stadionu Wembley. Vendar pa bo Pochettino upal, da se bo njegova ekipa prilagodila življenju na Wembleyju, ko bo odigrala svojo prvo domačo tekmo lige prvakov proti Dortmundu. 26. septembra. Spursi se bodo pomerili z Real Madridom v zaporednih tekmah na Bernabeu (17. oktobra) in Wembleyju (1. november). Spursi so se nazadnje pomerili z Madridom leta 2011 To ni prvič, da sta se ti dve ekipi pomerili glavo.Nazadnje so se srečali na tekmovalni tekmi med kampanjo 2010-11, v četrtfinalu lige prvakov. Spursi, ki jih je takrat vodil Harry Redknapp, so utrpeli travmatičen večer v prvi tekmi na Bernabeu.

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